Monday, April 30, 2007

before the trip

So, one week from today I will be sitting on a plane bound for the Charles DeGaulle International Airport.

Things to do before I leave:
-Pack everything
-Register with the American Embassy
-Register for international insurance

-Figure out how to make my cell phone work
-Buy host family gif
-Figure out how to get from Paris to Lux with all my luggage
-Buy plane ticket for first weekend in Barcelona

-Make sure nick will wake up in time to pick me up at the airport at 7 am ;)

Clearly, we are a long ways from prepared. Hope everyone enjoys the blog!

"When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money." ~Susan Heller

Currently Reading: Of Power and Paradise by Robert Kagan

Currently Listening to: Goo Goo Dolls- Big Machine

xoxo jessica


Aubrey Gavron said...

Is it bad that I miss you already!?!.. yay one week... and let me just say that I CANNOT wait to meet up in Prague :)

Linda said...

Cool pic of the school. Your luggage has arrived so at least you now have something to pack in.

Tari said...

Hi Jess! Just wondering if you arrived in Lux, yet...with "ALL" that luggage???? Have a great summer! Aunt Tari

Linda said...

we want an update!

Sydney said...

its syd..just NOW getting to see the blog and i LOVE LOVE LOVEEE it! i want more pictures! sounds like your having a great time.. funny thing is-havent heard anything bout classes just ur "intoxicated" encounters- haha love you and miss you! btw. mrs. traud(english) hopes your having fun, same with mr. cranford(gym)


Sydney said...

just got really excited getting that comment to work!