Saturday, May 26, 2007

I made it through yesterday, well for the most part, if you don¨t count the 200 dollars worth of cell phone calls to the US. We went to the ridiculous 5 level club last night, which was not ideal in context of the day. We´re in Prague...and the journey here was nothing short of fabulous compared to the Munich train situation. We had a 9 hour night train from Frankfurt to Prague and bought couchettes -little rooms with 2 sets of 3 high bunk beds- for 16 euro more, best investment of my life. We took a walking tour through new town to old town to the jewish quarter and ended at the charles bridge. It was literally 90 degrees outside. We rented paddle boats for 50 czech k an hour--which is about 2 US dollars. ok, well we are leaving for the sex machine museum, ill write more later!

Currently Listening to: Trouble Breathing-Alkaline Trio

Thursday, May 24, 2007

two more pictures that i couldn't possibly leave out!

I think you caught me on the downslide, downturn
I was busy writing with a pen and paper thin dream
And all your plastic people with plastic hearts and smiles
They had the worst intentions all along after all...
The royal castle holds the mellow drama kings and queens
And all their dazzling children; they're so regal (clean)
With pristine fingertips they wash behind their ears
And let their hair down 'til the audiences leave
I'm definitely shaking
The silence isn't breaking
Backwashed and stranded memories
Of something i thought could be

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Class at the Chateau d'Differdange

So its mid-week! Classes have been going well. Professor Herron has been keeping law class interesting with his story telling renditions about the history of law. Our accounting class however, is the longest most painful hour and a half of my day. Yesterday was the first day that luxembourg has seen sun since we've been here, so 9 of us went to the grocery store and made ourselves a little picnic to eat in the park. We waited around in the chateau and watched the oh-so-appropriate Eurotrip until our 4:00 lecture, which was cancelled. Last night, the 4 of us caught the train to Betenberg to visit Mike, Cody, and Dylans host family house to meet their little kids. We hung out for a little and then stopped by the local gay bar for a drink before catching the train back to Diff. It seems like all we do here is travel or plan our travels...which i'm fine with.
We are in the process of planning the itenerary for Prague this weekend. We are leaving tommorow, Thursday, at 7:15 p.m. and will arrive around 9 a.m. on the 25th. My sole intention for the 25th is to keep as occupied physically/mentally as possible. On the agenda for the weekend: Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral, Old Towne Square, Astronomical Clock, and the Jewish Quarter, Karlovy Lazne Discotheque, Friends GLBT bar, Museum of Communism, Metamorphisis Restaurant, Bily Konicek Restaurant. The hostel situation should at least be a little more comfortable, we have a 6 person room with Allie, Jessica, Allison, and I. Only 14 euro a night...i love eastern europe already.

Currently Listening to: A Decade Under the Influence-Taking Back Sunday

xoxo jessica

Monday, May 21, 2007

Munich: First Weekend

<--Allie, Hofbrauhaus waiter, me We're back from Munich, Germany!! Ate a lot, drank a lot, and slept very little.... We finished class and lecture at the Chateau around 3 on Wednesday, went back to the house to finish packing, then caught the 6:32 train into Lux city to begin the journey to Munich. Little did we know it, but about 40 other students from the Lux program had the same travel plans as us, which made for a some very interesting train rides. On the second train we claimed a car on the train for our excessively large group and proceeded to have ridiculous party complete with a mini keg and ipod speakers. However, the third and last train was much less of a party...first of all the train was gross, and secondly they triple booked out seats, so randomly through the night people would force you to get up and move and find another seat. This went on from about 3-7 a.m...when we finally got to our hostel we passed out on the bean bags in the lobby for a two hour nap. Great start to a sleep deprived weekend.
We finally got ourselves together and decided to take a day trip to Dachau to see the concentration camp...which was awesome. We rented the self-guided tour audio guides and spent about 3 hours looking through the museum and buildings. We lost Allie for about an hour, but finally found her outside thanks to her bright orange coat. We stood in the gas chambers, walked through the housing barraks, and watched old footage from the camp. It was extremely intense... and quite the somber start to the weekend in Munich.

What would a trip to Munich be without a little visit to a place we call Hofbrauhaus...
We got ourselves a huge table and motioned to our waiter for HUGE steins all around! Our waiter was this cute little asian man pictured above. For round two, we ordered the "Radler" which is light beer with lemonade...a popular German favorite for the ladies. Allie got the traditional huge pretzel with her stein. We also decided that we are going to dress as German pretzel girls for halloween next year. We met a cute Canadian couple that offered to share their food with Allie and I. Allie also got a drunk man kicked out of the Hofbrauhaus because he wouldn't leave us alone. Basically we had bodyguards by the end of the night, it was wonderful. After we got tired of paying 7 euros for a beer we left to find a discotheque. It happened to be Germany's fathers day, so unfortunately many clubs were closed and the night scene was a little low key for a thursday night. Our method of communication with the Germans slowly declined to the point where we made techno beat noises and motioned for them to point us in the right direction. They played mostly 90's jock jams...but whatever!
Friday I explored downtown Munich with Allie and Cody. We wandered around through the churches, shopped, and stopped for a little afternoon wine.
We finally got into contact with our friend's on the other Europe trip and planned on meeting everyone at Hofbrauhaus at night. "Thursday night we went to Hofbrauhaus...Friday night we went to Steinkellers." (Steinkellers is a bar in Oxford, Ohio). So little did we know, but every Miami student currently in Munich decided to meet at Hofbrauhaus that night. No joke, we took the place over, it was ridiculous. We fully occupied the entire outdoor beer garden from about 9 until the place closed. I think there might be a secret service of some kind working for Hofbrauhas. A man accidentally knocked a glass stein off of a table, which shattered on the ground, then he tried to creep off. Literally 7 men in black suits with ear pieces tackled him in 10 seconds flat. These men jumped out from behind trees, ran on top of tables, dove across was completely bizarre.
So Allie and I rolled into our hostel around 1 ... Oh, let me first explain our hostel situation: Allie and I were nervous that we weren't going to get a hostel on such short notice so we went ahead and booked ourselves in a 6 person mixed room. The accommodations were fairly nice, typical bunk beds with clean sheets and a seperate locker for each person. So...clearly the only gender that would logically request a "mixed gender" room would be males. Which brings me to my next topic, co-habitating with random european men is not a good idea. So night two, Allie and I roll in around 1 from the Hofbrauhaus and fall asleep immediately. Shortly thereafter our newest roomate enters, presumably intoxicated, and enters the bathroom. Allie called the next 5 minutes an "explosion." Ok, so our little friend goes to bed. Around 3 a.m. our entire room is awakened by what would seem to be a semi truck roaring in our room. By 4, it was absolutely unbearable, nobody was alseep except for the snoorer. At 5 a.m. Allie and I went to the front desk and asked to be moved rooms for the next night and sat around in the lobby until 7:30 breakfast. I mean obviously we were going to be exhausted the entire what else were we supposed to do but pregame with some momossas before our bike tour at 11.
I'm gonna say it was the sleep deprevation that made us think it was okay for Allie and I to wear our matching J-Lo jump suits on the bike tour. Allie and I were the haus-baubes (pronounced ass babes) in charge of making sure no one got left behind. We stopped at the Chinese beer gardens for a pint...then hopped back on our bikes, i guess liability just isn't an issue in Germany. We saw some incredible buildings, gardens, and even a naked park...which we rode our bikes through. Basically everyone taking part in the "ambience" of the park was someone who you would not like to see in a dark room. After the bike tour Allie and I died from 5-7p.m. A group of 10 of us found a cute off-the-beaten path restaurant called Augustina. Munich just so happened to have won the championship futbol game that day, and the entire city was in absolute mayhem. A big German family had a table next to us, and after a couple beers they began belting out some German yodelling songs. A couple beers later, one of the men randomly busts out the accordion and German songbooks. We were more than excited to join in, and spent the next hour being serenaded by an authentic German yodeller...i don't think there is anything i can say to do justice to the events of this evening. All i can do is post this final picture of Allie and I kissing the German nugget and hope that you all understand just how wonderful Munich, Germany really is!

"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware."
"People who snore always fall asleep first"

Currently Reading: The Speluncheon Explorer
Currently Listening to: Existentialism on Prom Night- Straylight Run

xoxo jessica