Saturday, May 26, 2007

I made it through yesterday, well for the most part, if you don¨t count the 200 dollars worth of cell phone calls to the US. We went to the ridiculous 5 level club last night, which was not ideal in context of the day. We´re in Prague...and the journey here was nothing short of fabulous compared to the Munich train situation. We had a 9 hour night train from Frankfurt to Prague and bought couchettes -little rooms with 2 sets of 3 high bunk beds- for 16 euro more, best investment of my life. We took a walking tour through new town to old town to the jewish quarter and ended at the charles bridge. It was literally 90 degrees outside. We rented paddle boats for 50 czech k an hour--which is about 2 US dollars. ok, well we are leaving for the sex machine museum, ill write more later!

Currently Listening to: Trouble Breathing-Alkaline Trio

1 comment:

the ghost factory said...

jessica! i finally had time to read your entire BLOG. i'm jealous of your fantastic time!

i totally cracked up when i read about the german dudes busting out an accordian. seriously. awesome.

and when you were looking for a club and you started making techno noises? i can just picture you guys doing a little dance and making some sad n-tsst n-tsst sounds. when i was in brazil we were trying to find a taxi who knew what club we were talking about, (none of us spoke portuguese), and cab driver in a very strong accent said, "dance, music, boyfriend?" we were like, "YES."

p.s. who is that FOX in the abercrombie shirt under the may 15 entry?