Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Class at the Chateau d'Differdange

So its mid-week! Classes have been going well. Professor Herron has been keeping law class interesting with his story telling renditions about the history of law. Our accounting class however, is the longest most painful hour and a half of my day. Yesterday was the first day that luxembourg has seen sun since we've been here, so 9 of us went to the grocery store and made ourselves a little picnic to eat in the park. We waited around in the chateau and watched the oh-so-appropriate Eurotrip until our 4:00 lecture, which was cancelled. Last night, the 4 of us caught the train to Betenberg to visit Mike, Cody, and Dylans host family house to meet their little kids. We hung out for a little and then stopped by the local gay bar for a drink before catching the train back to Diff. It seems like all we do here is travel or plan our travels...which i'm fine with.
We are in the process of planning the itenerary for Prague this weekend. We are leaving tommorow, Thursday, at 7:15 p.m. and will arrive around 9 a.m. on the 25th. My sole intention for the 25th is to keep as occupied physically/mentally as possible. On the agenda for the weekend: Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral, Old Towne Square, Astronomical Clock, and the Jewish Quarter, Karlovy Lazne Discotheque, Friends GLBT bar, Museum of Communism, Metamorphisis Restaurant, Bily Konicek Restaurant. The hostel situation should at least be a little more comfortable, we have a 6 person room with Allie, Jessica, Allison, and I. Only 14 euro a night...i love eastern europe already.

Currently Listening to: A Decade Under the Influence-Taking Back Sunday

xoxo jessica

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